Wednesday 25 December 2013

How to design Taper mandrel for gear

For design a taper mandrel following things are required:-
1> Bore Tolerance
2> Bore length (total height)
3> Bore diameter

Our target should be that part (i.e.gear)should locate middle of mandrel.

for Example if you need to design taper mandrel for 25mm bore size with  tolerance 0.016 and total with 12 mm.

you need to keep taper mandrel length 150mm to 200mm, because big mandrel will bend after use.
Keep one end size lower limit 24.99 (10 micron lower then basic size  of lower limit 25.00 ) and give tolerance -0.005 to -0.010 and other end Higher limit 25.030 (10 micron more then basic size of higher limit 25.020) and give tolerance +0.005 to + 0.010.

you can add relieve 5 to 15 mm before start diameter  , relieve diameter may be 2 mm lower than the basic size i.e. 23mm here  end of relief should merge with basic diameter with sooth 15 degree taper, for smooth entry of part.

After end of big diameter , a plane diameter around 25 mm length should be keep , which help to give drive during cylindrical grinding of mandrel , this diameter should have a tapped hole for driving.

in taper mandrel protective type center recommended.

If bore size is less then 18 mm , length of mandrel must be keep as small as possible which is help to reduce bending of mandrel.

if part width is more  i.e. 40 and above , we should design mandrel either 2 or 3 set when bore length is less (each type mandrel have different sizes to cover given tolerance)

if bore tolerance is more i.e. 0.16 mm we should design mandrel either 2 or 3 set when bore length is less (each type mandrel have different sizes to cover given tolerance)

If any further query please contact



  1. Thank you.. Having told about the dimensional design, you can also share the material of the mandrel, hardness, etc. which will be useful for the beginners

  2. I need expert advise on inspection gears using taper mandrel, when we use taper mandrel for checking lead & profile error should we dial and true the gear face during inspection or not. we have found difference in lead values when we true the face with out truing. we want to understand the correct method
